¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ building sign

¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ sign in front of the offices in Bend.

I graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in journalism in 1977. It was a proud field to be going into as we all wanted to be like Woodward and Bernstein and help keep the public informed — to be the true “watchdog†for society. While I didn’t become a reporter, I have remained a true believer and even a fan of good journalism and, especially since living in smaller communities, of hometown/rural newspapers.

I kept this belief even as I built a career working in public higher education, and serving on our local school board, despite now representing those being “watched†rather than being the “watchdog†as I originally planned.

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Ron Paradis lives in Bend.

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(1) comment


It could be that print journalism is forever changed due to the internet, but is also catalyzing its own demise due to audience capture. No, journalism is no longer noble as it used to be.

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