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Wolves photographed by a trail camera on private property in Union County. 

Deschutes County’s wolf committee is discussing keeping more secrets in the ranchers it deals with and the money it hands out.

Two resident wolf families live on the borders of Deschutes County. Others pass through. And with the wolves come strong emotions and opinions. They are a call of the wild reintroduced. To others, they are a nuisance, a slayer of property and their reintroduction is foolish meddling. If a person is raising issues about conflict with wolves and their contact information is readily available, they may be harassed.

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Editorials reflect the views of ¹ú²ú͵ÅÄ's editorial board: Publisher Heidi Wright; Editor Jody Lawrence-Turner; Editor Tim Trainor and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Contact: rcoe@bendbulletin.com

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(1) comment


No wolves have been reintroduced in OR. The wolves in all parts of OR traveled here from other states.

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