
Is there more that unites Oregonians than divides them? The simple answer is surely yes, though Oregonians may need a reminder.

“We hear especially in the media about how polarized we are — we are just kind of in camps and there are the liberals and the conservatives, the Democrats and the Republicans, the reds and the blues,†Adam Davis, the executive director of the Oregon Values and Beliefs Center, told Wednesday night.

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There used to be a saying: "In polite society two things are never discussed: Politics and Religion". The obvious reason for this saying is that it has long been known that it is virtually impossible to convince someone that a strongly held belief is wrong. If more people followed this rule instead of feeling the need to challenge every belief they disagree with we could spend more time enjoying each others company rather splitting ourselves into different "tribes" (save your political/religious views for where they belong: the Editorial "Comments" section).

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