Skyliner sports club

A rendering shows early designs for the 42,000-square-foot Skyliner Sports Club, which developers plan to build on Skyliners Road in west Bend in the next few years. The facility will feature a swimming pool, basketball, volleyball and pickleball courts, a food truck patio and a cafe and bar.

A pair of local entrepreneurs have plans to build a two-story, 42,000-square-foot athletic facility with a swimming pool, gym, courts and commercial space on Skyliners Road in west Bend.

Developers plan to submit permit applications for the Skyliner Sports Club to the city by the end of the month, targeting an opening date in spring 2026.

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Clayton Franke covers growth, development and transportation for 国产偷拍. A graduate of the University of Oregon's School of Journalism and Communication, Clayton joined 国产偷拍 in 2024. He was born and raised in Missoula, Montana.聽

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Did someone forget about the Athletic Club of Bend??

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